Monday, July 7, 2014



The teammates cheered happily and rushed to the youngest boy as soon as he got the goal. They all slapped his shoulder in congratulation and lifted him tinto the air. The boy could not believe what he had done, but he was extremely proud of himself. That boy was me.

In 2002, I was a third grade student in my elementary school. At that time, I joined a soccer club association and played soccer.

On our team, all third graders and up could go to the training camp once a year, so I also joined the camp in that year. And that was the first time for me to stay for more than three days away from my parents. It was too long for me, so I felt uneasy before I left.

The training in the camp started. But I still felt uneasy, and I was missing home on the first day.
Our soccer team traditionally had a special competition during the camp, called “the Meat Cup”. The winning team in the competition could eat the highest quality meats in the grilled meat party after the competition, so all members were eager to win!! It was very exciting!!
However, it just increased my uneasiness. I had no confidence of playing well because I was the youngest boy and I was missing home.
The competition started. As I played, I could gradually feel relaxed thanks to my teammates’ supports. Finally, on the right side of the court,  I received a ball from my teammate, carried it forward quickly and swung my right leg strongly. The ball stuck in  the top of the goal. My goal led our team to win the championship.
In the award ceremony, to my surprise, I was selected as MVP. Strangely, my goal was the only goal in the competition. I was given some prizes, such as a certificate, a key holder and a sport towel, and we could enjoy eating great meats. I will  never forget how delicious they were.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures, and now I look forward to your other posts?!?
