Monday, July 14, 2014

Scavenger hunt in New Haven

 Tell the story of your group's scavenger hunt.

I don't think our team is a rule-follower. This scavenger hunt is not only a competition for our team, but an opportunity for us to fulfill our curiosity. So we kind of left the tasks behind and started our own adventure.

But still, the map really helps a lot. We found the Beinecke Library first and when we stepped into the library, we were so impressed by the scene in front of us. There are thousands of ancient books, from floor to the ceiling, protected in the huge glass shell. And the marble in the window is unique, and the sunlight shines on the marble and creates a beautiful color, like a piece of abstract art. We asked a tour guide if she can tell us about the thickness of the marble. But she was working and couldn’t answer our question. So we turned to the security guard sitting in front of the door and she was very warm and told us all about it. And she gave us a sample of the marble to hold in hand and feel it. It’s heavy, cold and refined. We were so moved by the beauty of the library, so we took a lot of photos and also got some post cards of it.
Still talking about the amazing library, we found something even more exciting – the Commons Dining Hall. The dining hall was completely Hogwarts style, antique wooden tables and chairs, the dark-red walls made with thick bricks, old-fashioned admirable chandelier, everything was too elegant to be true. We took a lot of pictures and almost forgot about our task of “interviewing” a server. But another team rushed to the dining hall and went straight to the kitchen to find a server. And that reminded us of our task, so we got the recipe and left quickly.
            We went to the Old Campus, found "Shining Foot" and Phelps Gate and then we went to the Yale Art Gallery. There was a lot of remarkable modern art and we all found our favorites. We posed and took funny pictures of each other in front of them. And we laughed so loud that the security told us to be quiet. So we got in the enormous elevator, still giggling and left the Gallery.
            Time ran out, but we did not finish as many tasks as other teams. But the result of the competition really did not matter. What did matter is that each place we went to, we were exploring and discovering, feeding our curiosity and we really had a great time.  

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