Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My observation in New Haven

Assignment: choose a public place around yale campus and describe what you see
   I went to the Green and sat on a chair near the big crossroad, crossed by Temple Street
and Chapel Streets. I open my black leather notebook binding printed with a symbol of the
Yale University.
   There are many cars - yellow, white, black, silver and gold cars passed by me emitting exhaust gases. So, actually, the smell is bad and they run, making loud noise as though they were angry with something. Here is like Times Square in New York.
  In front of me, there was a big church. The church had a sharp tower and stood overwhelming me, but I found how beautiful three huge glass windows on the front of the church are. 

  I was surrounded by trees reflecting sunshine and splashed with light green.
Oh, it was a sunny day!! I sat under the strong sunshine of summer without sunglasses and hat.
  Beside me, many people were also passing. Many parents walked with their children. 
They really seemed to enjoy their time with children away from working.

   Suddenly an old man with white beard approached, showed me an old shirt  and asked 
 “Do you like this?”
 “NO thanks.”
   He walked away from me, but I was frightened, so I continued to observe him because I afraid he would get angry and attack me from behind  like a crazy murderer. 

  After that, I was sometimes called by some strangers, so the bench in the park was not a so 
comfortable place for me. 

  When I left there, I found “Subway” and “Dunkin Donuts” across the street. But both were 
very quiet because it was too early for lunch. They are a contrast to the road.

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