Tuesday, July 29, 2014


  If you travel to South East Asian countries, especially Thailand and Cambodia, you will be surprised by seeing strange scenes on the street. On the street, some people paly, kicking a ball up in the air. Is it a soccer ball? No. The ball is smaller than a soccer ball. The ball is a sepaktakraw ball.

  Sepaktakraw is a sport like volleyball but using feet instead of hands. In this article, I will introduce it.


Sepaktakraw was born in Thailand about 500 years ago. You can get the more details about the history in the following website


  So it is very popular in South East Asia, but it is not popular in other regions including Japan. Actually, I had never seen anyone playing sepaktakraw before I saw that in my university.

  The court of sepaktakraw is as large as the badminton court.

In matches, each team consists of 3 players, the striker, the server and the tosser. The striker is the player who usually jumps, kicks a ball in the air and gets a point. The server is the player who serves the ball. The tosser is the player who mainly tosses a ball in order to enable the striker to kick a ball. In matches, every player has their own role in the 3 roles above, and they do not change roles. For example, I am the server, so I always serve a ball in the game.

  Players of each team can touch a ball by three times in their turn and only one player is also allowed to touch a ball twice or three times unlike volleyball.

  If your team drops a ball on the ground or put a ball out, you will lose a point. It is same as volleyball.

  For your better comprehension, I will use some movielinkes below. So please watch the proffessional sepaktakraw players and feel excitement!!


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